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Calendar iconNovember 30, 2016
Special Session Proposal

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February 15, 2017
Abstract submission

Calendar iconFebruary 27, 2017
Notification of abstract acceptance

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April 15, 2017
Full paper submission


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May 15, 2017
Notification of paper acceptance

Calendar iconMay 31, 2017
Early registration deadline

Calendar iconJune 5, 2017
Final paper submission


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SPECIAL SESSIONbarra table b


Giulio E. Cantarella

Transportation systems with autonomous vehicles


In recent years technologies for automated and autonomous vehicles have fast developed, so that they seem ready for substituting in the near future privately owned man-driven vehicles and further supporting the spread of shared vehicles both for travellers and freight transportation, and in urban and extra-urban journeys. On the other hand, it may easily anticipated that time period needed to turn the existing stock of vehicles to autonomous will last several years.

A change so great may not be technology-driven only, but also requires a carefully analysis of its several impact through enhancement of tools available to the transportation systems modellers and planners. Such enhanced tools may be casted in the general framework of multi-user class transportation system analysis and design, concerning:

  • transportation network analysis, through level-of-service models and assignment methods,
  • travel demand analysis, through behavioural choice modelling paradigms,
  • traffic control, including signal setting design,
  • transportation network design, through optimization techniques.


Transportation systems with autonomous vehicles: general modelling issues by G E Cantarella and A. Di Febbraro
Transportation systems with autonomous vehicles: behavioural issues” by G E Cantarella, S. de Luca and A. Di Febbraro
Transportation systems with autonomous vehicles: traffic control” by G E Cantarella, A. Di Febbraro, R. Di Pace and N. Sacco